Source code for downtoearth.model

"""downtoearth API model."""
import json
import os
    import subprocess32 as subprocess
except ImportError: # no subprocess32 / Python 3 = safe to use subprocess
    import subprocess

from jinja2 import PackageLoader, Environment

from downtoearth import default

    # Modify raw_input to input if we're in Python 2.
    input = raw_input
except NameError as err:
    if 'name \'raw_input\' is not defined' not in err.args[0]:

[docs]class ApiModel(object): """downtoearth data model.""" def __init__(self, args): self.args = args with open(args.input, 'r') as f: self.json = json.load(f) self._validate_config() self._build_api() = self.json["Name"] self.jinja_env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('downtoearth', 'templates')) def _validate_config(self): # TODO: use schematics or something to do nice first pass validation pass def _build_api(self): endpoint_keys = self.json["Api"].items() self.url_root = UrlTree() for endpoint, methods in endpoint_keys: self.url_root.process_url(endpoint, methods)
[docs] def get_endpoints(self): """Get all paths that contain methods.""" return self.url_root.get_endpoints()
[docs] def get_api_template_variables(self): """Get API template variables.""" ret = { "API_NAME":, "API_DESCRIPTION": self.json.get('Description', ''), "API_REGION": self.json.get('Region', 'us-east-1'), "API_ACCOUNT": self.json['AccountNumber'], "AUTH_TYPE": self.json.get('AuthType', 'NONE'), "LAMBDA_ZIP": self.json['LambdaZip'], "LAMBDA_HANDLER": self.json['LambdaHandler'], "LAMBDA_MEMORY": self.json.get('LambdaMemory', 128), "LAMBDA_RUNTIME": self.json.get('LambdaRuntime', 'python2.7'), "LAMBDA_TIMEOUT": self.json.get('LambdaTimeout', 30), "CORS": self.json.get('Cors', True), "COMPOSABLE": self.args.composable, "STAGES": self.json.get('Stages', ['production']) } ret["STAGED"] = len(ret["STAGES"]) > 1 if not isinstance(ret.get("STAGES"), list): raise TypeError("Stages must be a list of stage names") if "Roles" in self.json and ("Default" in self.json['Roles'] or "Policy" in self.json['Roles']): try: ret['DEFAULT_ROLE'] = json.dumps(self.json['Roles']['Default']) except KeyError: ret['DEFAULT_ROLE'] = json.dumps(self.json['Roles']['Policy']) else: ret['DEFAULT_ROLE'] = default.POLICY if "Roles" in self.json and "Trust" in self.json['Roles']: ret['ROLE_TRUST'] = json.dumps(self.json['Roles']['Trust']) else: ret['ROLE_TRUST'] = default.TRUST ret['ENDPOINTS'] = [e.get_endpoint_info( for e in self.get_endpoints()] # TODO: build up endpoints # ret['ENDPOINTS'] = [ # { # "NAME": "test_resource", # "PATH_PART": "test", # "PARENT_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER": # "PARENT_ID" if False else "aws_api_gateway_rest_api.%s.root_resource_id"% self.json['Name'], # "METHODS": [ "GET", "POST" ] # } # ] return ret
[docs] def render_terraform(self): """Return a rendered terraform template.""" template = self.jinja_env.get_template('root.hcl') return template.render(**self.get_api_template_variables())
[docs] def run_stage_deployments(self): pass
[docs] def run_terraform(self): """Return a apply terraform after template rendered.""" path = os.path.dirname(self.args.output) affirm = ['true', 'y', 'yes'] decline = ['', 'false', 'n', 'no'] tf_cmds = { 'apply': 'terraform apply %s' % path, 'plan': 'terraform plan %s' % path } quit_cmds = ['q', 'quit'] while True: run_tf = input("Run terraform? [y/N] ").lower() if run_tf in affirm + decline: run_tf = run_tf not in decline break print('Try again.') if run_tf is True: while True: tf_cmd = input("terraform apply or plan? [apply/plan/quit] ") if tf_cmd in tf_cmds:[tf_cmd], shell=True) break if tf_cmd.lower() in quit_cmds: break print('Try again.') self.run_stage_deployments() return print('command to show plan:\n\t{}'.format(tf_cmds['plan'])) print('command to apply:\n\t{}'.format(tf_cmds['apply']))
[docs]class UrlTree(object): def __init__(self): self.root = UrlNode("") self.chains = []
[docs] def process_url(self, url, methods): if "//" in url: raise ValueError("problem in %s, cannot have a double slash" % url) # starting or trailing slashes mess up this split url = url.strip('/') parts = url.split('/') current_node = self.root last_part = parts[-1] for part in parts: existing_child = current_node.get_child(part) if existing_child: if part == last_part: if existing_child.children: existing_child.append_methods(methods) # current_node = current_node.add_child(p, methods) else: raise ValueError("methods for this url %s have already been defined") current_node = existing_child else: if part == last_part: current_node = current_node.add_child(part, methods) else: current_node = current_node.add_child(part)
[docs] def traverse_tree(self, node, depth=0): if node is None: return if not node.is_root(): # the gateway provides it's own root node self.chains.append(node) for child in node.children: self.traverse_tree(child, depth + 1)
[docs] def get_endpoints(self): self.traverse_tree(self.root) return self.chains
[docs]class UrlNode(object): def __init__(self, url, methods=None, parent=None): self.url = url if methods: self.methods = [m.upper() for m in methods] else: self.methods = [] self.children = [] self.parent = parent @property def prefix(self): parts = [] if not self.parent: return "" current_node = self.parent while current_node: parts.insert(0, current_node.url) current_node = current_node.parent return "/".join(parts) @property def url_name(self): return self.full_url[1:].replace("/", "_").replace("{", "_").replace("}", "_") @property def full_url(self): return "/".join([self.prefix, self.url])
[docs] def get_endpoint_info(self, api_name): if self.parent.is_root(): parent_id = "aws_api_gateway_rest_api.%s.root_resource_id" % api_name else: parent_id = "" % self.parent.url_name return { "NAME": self.url_name, "PATH_PART": self.url, "PARENT_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER": parent_id, "METHODS": self.methods, "METHODS_STRING": ",".join(self.methods) }
[docs] def append_methods(self, methods): for m in [x.upper() for x in methods]: if m not in self.methods: self.methods.append(m)
[docs] def add_child(self, url, methods=None): methods = methods if methods is not None else [] node = UrlNode(url, methods, self) self.children.append(node) return node
[docs] def is_leaf(self): return True if self.children else False
[docs] def is_root(self): return False if self.parent else True
[docs] def get_child(self, value): for child in self.children: if child.url == value: return child return None
[docs] def has_child(self, value): for child in self.children: if child.url == value: return True return False
[docs] def is_variable(self): return self.url[0] == "{" and self.url[-1] == "}"